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Chemical Science Reporter

An open-access e-Magazine of the Orissa Chemical Society

Editorial Board


Prof. S. Samal
E-mail: samal_s@live.com

Associate Editors

Prof. Nigamananda Das
E-mail: chemnou@gmail.com

Prof. Ajaya Kumar Behera
E-mail: ajaykumar.behera@yahoo.com

Dr. Panchanana Gouda
E-mail: pngouda18@gmail.com

Dr. Pramod Kumar Satapathy
E-mail: pramoda_satapathy_70@yahoo.com

Dr. Kumar S. K. Varadwaj
E-mail: sbharadwaj@gmail.com

Dr. Himansu S. Biswal
E-mail: himansu@niser.ac.in

Dr. Niranjan Panda
E-mail: npanda@nitrkl.ac.in


Prof. P. K. Mishra

Prof. P. B. Tripathy

Prof. G. B. Behera

Prof. A. C. Dash

Prof. C. S. Panda

Dr.(Mrs.) S. Lenka

Dr. C. R. Mishra

Prof. B. K. Mishra

Prof. S. Jena

Dr. S. C. Das

Guidelines For Authors

Authors submitting articles to the ‘Chemical Science Reporter’ (CSR), an open-access online e-magazine of the Orissa Chemical Society, are to follow the following guidelines:

  1. The articles should be concise, presented in a style (with abstract, keywords, introduction, discussion, conclusion, references) easily understandable by general readers, including college-level students. Articles should not be very specialized with extensive technical details.
  2. The language for all publications in the CSR is English.
  3. Full-length articles along with a brief abstract (200 words) should not exceed 2500 words (Microsoft word, about 4 pages of A4 size, single space, Times New Roman, font size 12). Short notes may be up to 1000 words. The Editors reserve the right to consider a submission as an article or a short note.
  4. References to published literature will be in the format: Name(s) of the author(s) in abbreviated form with given name first, Title of the cited literature, Name of the journal in short form, if any, as accepted in the literature (in italic), year (in bold), volume no. (in italic), page nos. (page range). For books: Name(s) of the author(s) in abbreviated form with given name first [Edited by Name(s) of Editor(s), if any, with given name first,], Name of the Book (in italic), Publisher, year (in bold), volume no. (if any, in italic) page nos. (page range).

Illustrative Examples:


N. T. Thanh,  N. Maclean, S. Mahiddine,  Mechanisms of nucleation and growth of nanoparticles in solution. Chem. Rev. 2014, 114, 7610-7630.


R. O. C. Norman, J. M. Norman, Principles of Organic Synthesis, 3rd ed., Chapman & Hall: U.K., 1993.

BOOKS (Specific pages)

J. W. Steed, D. R. Turner, K. J. Wallace, Core Concepts in Supramolecular Chemistry and Nanochemistry, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., 2007, Chapter 2, 29-106.


S. Samal, J. S. Lee, Nanofabrication from block copolymers synthesized by living anionic polymerization, in Bottom-up Nanofabrication, Supramolecules, Self-Assemblies, and Organized Films, Ed. Ariga K., Nalwa H. S., American Scientific Publishers, 2009, Chapter 5, 4, 122-145.

  1. Authors should submit a content graphic (Table of Contents, TOC) illustrative of the subject with the title of the article, names of authors, a short description of the article content in about 50-100 words in one precise sentence. Authors may also suggest their article for consideration as Cover Page illustration.
  2. The Editors may invite articles from experts in current topics of interest. The authors of such invited articles may submit along with the article their profile picture(s) with brief biodata (containing name, postal and e-mail address, academic accomplishments, and positions held, in about 500 words) for publication as a footnote. For all other articles, the contributor(s) may also submit their accomplishments in brief (about 200 words) for publication as a footnote.
  3. Articles sent for publication in the magazine will be reviewed. An article or any part of it previously published elsewhere in any print or digital media will not be considered for publication. The Editors, following due review procedure, reserve the right to reject any article, including invited articles, if found not original and content not suitable for publication.
  4. The articles are to be submitted with a cover letter describing the salient features of the article. In the cover letter, there must be a declaration by the authors: “The article entitled ‘Name of the Article’ submitted herewith for publication in the Chemical Science Reporter is original, and this article or any part of it has not been published elsewhere, nor has been submitted for publication to any other print or digital media.”
  5. If any previously published materials, such as Figures, Tables, Schemes, Charts, etc. are included in an article, each such material must be accompanied by a permission letter from the original copyright owner. Article without permission from the copyright owner will not be considered for publication.
  6. The Chemical Science Reporter will not be responsible for any copyright violations.
  7. All submissions are to be sent to the Editor-in-Chief via e-mail, with names, affiliations and e-mail addresses of three reviewers in the field who have adequate knowledge of the subject of the article. All other documents, such as a cover letter with declaration of originality, copyright permissions, etc. must be submitted along with the article in digital format.
  8. Authors of articles will be informed if an article is accepted or rejected. Articles not found suitable will not be returned to the communicating author in any form. Accepted articles will appear online as soon as possible. However, acceptance of an article does not guarantee immediate publication. Authors of the published article will not be paid nor will they be required to pay any charges for publication.
  9. For the present, the publication of the CSR will be biannual with about 100 pages per issue.
  10. The jurisdiction for all legal disputes relating to the CSR publications is restricted to Cuttack city only.


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Forthcoming Issues

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2020 1 * *
2021 1    
2022 1    

* Under Preparation