Welcome to Orissa Chemical Society

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Guidance to ‘View Profile’

The Members of the OCS are requested to check their profile. On clicking the ‘View Profile’ button, an OTP will be sent to the mobile number and/or email ID registered on the OCS database, the number and email ID shown in the form fields. If the member currently uses this mobile number/email ID, upon entering the OTP, the profile form will open. Please check if the profile details are accurate and up to date. The members have to upload
(i) A Profile picture
(ii) Blood Group
(iii) Alternate Contact Number
(iv) Current Place of Work
In case the member is not using the displayed mobile number/email, then please provide the mobile number/email in current use to the OCS to verify the authenticity of the new mobile number/email. The profile of the member will be accordingly updated with the submitted mobile number/email. Then the member can view/edit his/her profile.