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Prof. B. K. Mishra
Advisory Board
Retired Professor of Chemistry

Prof. (Dr.) Bijay Kumar Mishra was born on 6th February 1954. He completed his B.Sc. (Hons.) in Chemistry in 1973, M.Sc.(Chemistry) in 1975, Ph.D. in Physical Organic Chemistry in 1981, and D.Sc. in Surface Chemistry in 2003 all from Sambalpur University. Titles of his Ph.D. & D.Sc. theses were “Studies on S/N containing substituent effect and synthetic aspects” and “Organize assemblies of amphiphiles: Studies on structure, Physico-chemical characteristics, and Catalytic behavior”. He carried out both his Ph.D. and D.Sc. work under the guidance of Prof. (Dr.) Gopabandhu Behera, Professor & Head of the Department of Chemistry, Sambalpur University. His teaching interests were in the fields of Biochemistry, Organic Reaction Mechanism, Surface Chemistry, Pericyclic reaction & Organic Photochemistry & Industrial Chemistry and research interests were in the areas of Physical Organic Chemistry, Correlation Analysis, Organic Synthesis & Surface Chemistry. He has been actively pursuing research & developmental activities from 1976 till date in various capacities. He has guided 32 students for their M.Phil. Degrees, 24 students for their Ph.D. Degrees & two students for their D.Sc. Degrees. He was Lecturer in Chemistry in Sambalpur University from1987-1992; Senior Lecturer in Chemistry from 1992 to1996; Reader in Chemistry from 1996 to 2004, and 2004 onwards, he is continuing as Professor of Chemistry in Sambalpur University. He has undergone Internship at (i) Dian Maruto Widjonarko, Indonesia Sebelas Maret University, Surakarta 2010 (ii) Andres Aracena Autidillo, Santiago University, Chile 2011. He has undertaken various research projects from IUC, Kolkata; Science & Technology Department, Govt. of Odisha; DST, Govt. of India; UGC, New Delhi; KVIC, Mumbai; BRNS, DAE, Govt. of India and CSIR, New Delhi. Prof. Mishra was a Reviewer for many National & International Journals. They are (i) Indian J. Chemistry, CSIR, India (ii) J. Coll. Interface. Sci., Elsevier (iii) J. Surf. Sc. and Technology, India (iv) Chem. Phys Materials, Elsevier (v) J. Environ. and Ecology, India (vi) Separation Sc. Tech, Elsevier(vii) Talanta, Elsevier (viii) Colloid and Surface, Elsevier 5(ix)Thermochimica Acta, Elsevier(x) J. Hazardous Material, Elsevier(xi) Material Letters, Elsevier(xii) J. Org. Chem., (ACS)(xiii) Intern. J. Chem. Kinetics, Wiley (xiv) J. Phy. Org. Chem., Wiley (xv) Synthetic Communications, Taylor Francis (xvi) J. Mol. Structure(xvii) Inorganic Chemistry (ACS) (Theochem)Elsevier(xviii) Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. (ACS) (xix) Intern J. Material Res.(xx) International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry(xxi) Desalination Water Treatment, Society(xxii) J. Chem. Eng. Elsevier (xxiii) International J. Miner. Process, Langmuir (ACS). Prof. Mishra was Member of the Editorial Board of the Journal of Natural Products, Bentham Publications. Prof. Mishra has visited University of South Florida, Gainesville, USA, in 1990 & 2000 & University of Minnesota, Duluth, USA, in 2000. Prof. Mishra has published 159 Research Papers both in India & Foreign Journals. Prof. Mishra has also published a Book entitled “Precipitation and Dehydration of Hydrated Alumina” co-authored by Dr. Barsha Dash and Dr. I. N. Bhattacharya which has been published by M/s LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing on June 2, 2014. Prof. Mishra has been decorated with many prestigious awards & fellowships. They are INSA Visiting Scientist, IISc, Bangalore, 1991; Young Scientist Lecture in OCS, 1994; UGC Research Award IX Plan–1999; Samanta Chandrasekhar Award–2006; UGC-BSR Faculty Fellow–2014 and ACS Membership Award for three years from 2015-2018. He was President of Orissa Chemical Society for 2015. During his tenure as the President, the Annual Conference of OCS was held on December 24-25, 2015 at IGIT, Saranga, Dhenkanal.