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Prof. A. C. Dash
Advisory Board

Prof. (Dr.) Anadi Charan Dash was born on 2nd March 1941 in his village at Khirobati, P.O. Alanahat, Dist. Jagatsinghpur (Odisha). He passed Matriculation Examination from Alanahat High School. He completed his I.Sc., B. Sc. (Hons.) in Chemistry & M.Sc. (Chemistry) from Ravenshaw College, Cuttack in the years 1960, 1962 & 1964, respectively. He did his Ph.D. in Chemistry from Utkal University in the year 1974 working under the guidance of Prof. (Dr.) Rabindra Kumar Nanda. The title of his Ph.D. Thesis was: “Stability & Reactivity of Complexes”. He was Lecturer in Chemistry, Ravenshaw College, Cuttack (1964-1968); Lecturer in Physical Chemistry , Utkal University, Bhubaneswar(1968-1983); Reader in Chemistry, Utkal University (1983-1990); Professor of Chemistry, Utkal University(1990-31.3.2001); CSIR Emeritus Scientist, Department of Chemistry, Utkal University(2001-2005) & Visiting Honorary Professor of Chemistry , NISER, Bhubaneswar (31.8.2007-30.5.2009). He was Prof. & HOD, Department of Chemistry, Utkal University from 1992 to 1994; Coordinator of the Special Assistance Programme (SAP-DRS funded by UGC); Principal Investigator of Several Research Projects funded by DST, Govt. of India, New Delhi, DST, Govt. of Odisha, UGC, CSIR & DAE. His research interests include the following aspects of Chemistry viz. (i) Metal Ligand Complexation Equilibria in Solution. (ii) Synthesis & Equilibrium Studies of OrganoMercurials Demonstrating the Rare Tri Coordinate Organo Mercury Complexes in Solution. (iii) Reactions of Coordinated Ligands: Metal Ion Mediation of the Reactivity of Ligands bound to Metal Centre, Kinetics & Mechanistic Studies. (iv) Kinetics & Mechanisms of Ligand Substitution Reactions at Metal Centres of Octahedral Coordination Complexes{ Metal Ions : Cobalt(iii), Chromium (III), Rhodium(III), Aluminium(III), Gallium(III), Manganese(III), Manganese(IV), Iron(III), Cobalt(II) & Nickel(II)} . (v) Medium Effects on the SolvolyticAquation& Base Hydrolysis of Octahedral Cobalt (III) Complexes: Demonstration of Preferential Solvation and Structural Aspects of the Mixed Aqueous Solvents. (vi) Reactions in Micellar Media involving Cationic, Anionic & Neutral Surfactants: Role of Micelles on the Reactivity & Mechanism of Reactions. (vii) Photochemistry of Octahedral Coordination Complexes of Cobalt (III). (viii) Reversible Carbon Dioxide &Sulfur Dioxide Uptake Reactions by Octahedral Coordination Complexes of Cobalt(III) and Rhodium(III): Understanding Fixation of CO2 and SO2 in relation to their Pollution Overload in the Environment. (ix) Kinetics & Mechanism of Redox Reactions. (x)Study of the Structural Aspects of Coordination Complexes in the Solid State using Spectroscopy, Cyclic Voltammetry, X-Ray Crystallography & Magnetic Measurements, and (xi) Computational Chemistry (DFT Level). He is a Fellow of Indian Academy of Science (F. A. Sc.), Fellow of Indian Chemical Society, Life member of Chemical Research Society of India (CRSI), Member of Indian Society for Surface Science and Technology (ISST), Member of Odisha BiGyan Academy,(OBA), ex-member of American Chemical Society, U. S. A., ex-member of Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC, U.K.) (C. Chem. FRSC) and honoured by Odisha Bigyan Academy as a Senior Scientist of the State (2007), by Royal Society of Chemistry, Eastern India Region , for contribution to Chemistry. He is the recipient of V. S. R. Gupta ‘Best Teacher Award’ of OCS in 2001 and Convention Award of the Indian Chemical Society in 2001. He represented the Utkal University in the IUPAC International Symposium on ‘Solution Chemistry’ at University of Leicester, U. K. During 1993 and visited Russia as a member of Indian delegation to the Indo-Russian conference on ‘Structural Inorganic Chemistry and Organometallic Chemistry’ sponsored by Indian National Academy of Science and Russian Academy of Sciences during 1993. He was a member of Editorial Board of Indian Journal of Chemistry Sec. (A) (CSIR) for consecutively two terms (6 years) and reviewer of many National and International Journals. He is associated with the academic activities of different Universities of the state. Fifteen Research Scholars have got their Ph.D. Degrees from Utkal University working under his able guidance. He was the President of OCS for the year 2011. During his tenure as the President, the Annual Conference of OCS was held on December 24-26, 2011 at Sambalpur University, Jyoti Vihar, Burla.