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1 Dr. Nrusingha Charan Mishra 20606 Summer Sweet Ter, Germantown, Maryland, USA 13012751238 mishra.nrusingha678@gmail.com Dr. Nrusingha Mishra was a direct student of Prof. Dr. M. K Rout in I. Sc., B. Sc. and M. Sc from 1972-1979 in Ravenshaw College. Dr. Mishra received his Bachelor's and Master's degree in Chemistry from Raveshaw College Cuttack in 1976 and in 1979, respectively. Dr. Mishra holds a doctorate degree in Medicinal Chemistry from the University of Minnesota in 1987. He completed his first postdoctoral training in chemoprevention at the Eppley Institute for Research in Cancer and Allied Diseases, University of Nebraska Medical Center, in 1990. He completed his second postdoctoral training in Medicinal Chemistry for the development of anti-viral agents at the University of Utah in 1991. From 1991 to 1997 Dr. Mishra worked as a leader of the Chemistry Divison at a biotechnology company in Maryland and developed DNA diagnostic agents. Since 1997, Dr. Mishra worked in US Federal Government and has managed more than 800 grants in many Congressional Special Interest programs to include the Breast Cancer Research Program, Prostate Cancer Research Program, Ovarian Cancer Research Program, Peer Reviewed Medical Research Program, Neurofibromatosis Research Program, and the National Prion Research Program. Over the years, he worked to improve processes in managing complex federal grants and is known as one of the experts in managing cancer research awards. Last year, in 2022, Dr. Mishra, a scientific officer with the Congressionally Directed Medical Research Programs was inducted into the Order of Military Medical Merit to recognize his 25 years of selfless service and contributions to the betterment of Army medicine. He is a member of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the American Association for Cancer Research, and the American Chemical Society. His previous awards include a Meritorious Service Medal and a Commendation Medal from the U.S. Army.
2 ALOK RANJAN RAY 297 Sector A, Pocket C, Vasantkunj New Delhi 110070 09560170146 alokrayiitd@gmail.com Dr. Alok R. Ray is Consultant Professor at School of International Biodesign, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, and New Delhi, India. He was Professor and Head of Centre for Biomedical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi. He was also concurrently Professor at All Indian Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, India. Dr. Ray was Executive Director of Stanford-Indian Biodesign program. He was a Fogarty Fellow of National Institute of Health, USA at Centre for Polymeric implants, University of Utah, USA. He was a fellow at University of Liverpool, UK. He was a visiting professor at All Union Cardiology Institute, Moscow, University of Leiden, Netherlands and Max Planck Institute for Polymer sciences, Mainz. Prof. Ray has made notable contributions in the area of biocompatible materials. Unique feature of his research is that starting from synthesis/modification, characterization, he has gone up to the stage of engineering and designing of such materials for use in human medicine and surgery viz.: medical devices and implants, drug delivery systems, catheters used for blood vessels. He has developed 11 biomedical products and published over 150 articles in professional journals. 26 students have been awarded PhD degree under his supervision. He is a consultant to several medical device and diagnostic industries. He was President of Society for Biomaterials and Artificial Organ (India). Prof. Ray has been awarded Tata Innovation Fellowship in recognition of his research contribution in the area of material used in Human Medicine and Surgery.
3 Sashi Satpathy Curators' Distinguished Professor Department of Physics University of Missouri Columbia, MO 65211, USA +1 573 268 6016 satpathys@missouri.edu MS Word file containing an English article and my brief Biography for the Souvenir of Prof. M. K. Rout