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Prof. M. K. Rout Birth Centenary Celebration

Audio & Video Clips

Any person, who has come in contact with Prof. Mahendra Kumar Rout, probably carries a vision of Prof. Rout’s mesmerizing personality. The MKRCC wishes to compile a recollection of such experiences of his numerous students and co-workers. To share your memory of Prof. Rout, please fill in the form and submit audio (mp3, m4a, etc.) and/or a video clip (mp4, MOV, WMV, Avi, etc.). A ‘message’ can also be sent for the Centenary Celebration as a clip. While the audio files are short, a minute of video clip in high resolution can be over 100 MB. Please note that if the audio/video file is large, it may not be possible to upload it. In such cases, the clips may be submitted in several smaller file sizes by e-mail/WhatsApp to the Secretary. Please note that the clips may be suitably edited, if necessary. Some selected clips may be used to make a short documentary (of 15-30 minutes duration), to be presented in the inauguration ceremony.

Upload Audio & Video Clips(mp3, m4a,mp4, MOV, WMV, Avi file with size 2mb)